Showing 201 - 220 of 611 results. Page: 11 of 31
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
201 Telassar Biblical Taking away, heaping up. F
202 Telephassa Latin Wife of Agenor. F

203 Teleri Welsh Legendary daughter of Peul. F
204 Teles Latin A Siren. F
205 Telharsa Biblical Suspension of the plow. F
206 Tellus Latin Earth. F
207 Telma Spanish Variant of Greek Thelma: Will; wilful. F
208 Telyn Welsh Harp. F
209 Teme Hebrew Without flaw. F
210 Temima Hebrew Without flaw. F
211 Temira Hebrew Tall. F
212 Temperance English Temperance. One of the qualities adopted as a first name by the Puritans after the Reformation. F
213 Tempest English Turbulent; stormy. F

214 Tempeste French Stormy. F
215 Templa Latin Sanctuary. F
216 Temple English Reference to medieval priories and settlements of the military religious order Knights Templars. F
217 Temple Latin Reference to medieval priories and settlements of the military religious order Knights Templars. F
218 Teny Greek Reaper. F
219 Teodora Italian Gift from God. F
220 Teodora Spanish God given. Feminine of Theodore. F