Showing 161 - 180 of 404 results. Page: 9 of 21
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
161 Peleg Biblical Division. F
162 Pelicia Greek Weaver. F

163 Pellikita Latin Happy. F
164 Pellkita Latin Happy. F
165 Pellonia Latin Invoked to ward off enemies. F
166 Pelonite Biblical Falling, secret. F
167 Pelopia Greek Mother of Aegisthus. F
168 Pemphredo Greek Sister of the Gorgons. F
169 Pen Greek Diminutive of Penelope: Bobbin. Penelope was the faithful wife of Odysseus in Homer's Odyssey. F
170 Penarddun Celtic Mythical daughter of Beli. F
171 Penarddun Welsh Legendary daughter of Beli. F
172 Penelope Gaelic Variant of Fenella: White shoulder. From Fionnghuala or Fionnuala. F
173 Penelope Greek Bobbin. Penelope was the faithful wife of Odysseus in Homer's Odyssey. F

174 Penina Hebrew Pearl. F
175 Peninah Hebrew Pearl. F
176 Penine Greek Rock. F
177 Peninnah Biblical Pearl, precious stone, the face. F
178 Penny Greek Flower. Also a diminutive of Penelope: Bobbin. F
179 Pensee French Thoughtful. F
180 Pentapolis Biblical Five cities. F