Showing 161 - 180 of 577 results. Page: 9 of 29
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
161 Harolda Teutonic Strong in war. F
162 Harolde Teutonic Strong in war. F

163 Harosheth Biblical A forest, agriculture, workmanship, deafness, silence. F
164 Harpinna Latin Mare of Oenomaus. F
165 Harran Biblical A singing or calling out. F
166 Harriet English Rules the Home. Feminine form of Harry (from Henry). Famous Bearer: Harriet Beecher Stowe (Uncle Tom's Cabin, 1811). a variant of Henrietta. F
167 Harriet French Variant of Henrietta: Keeper of the hearth. Rules her household. From Henriette, the French feminine form of Henry. F
168 Harriet Teutonic Ruler of the home. F
169 Harriett French Rules her household. Feminine of Harry from Henry. F
170 Harrietta French Rules the home. F
171 Harrietta Teutonic Ruler of the home. F
172 Harriette French Rules the home. F
173 Harriette Teutonic Ruler of the home. F

174 Harsha Biblical Workmanship, a wood. F
175 Harum Biblical High, throwing down. F
176 Haruphite Biblical Slender, sharp. F
177 Haseena Muslim Variant of Hasina: Beautiful. Pretty.. F
178 Hashubah Biblical Estimation, thought. F
179 Hashum Biblical Silence, their hasting. F
180 Hashupha Biblical Spent, made base. F