Showing 221 - 240 of 577 results. Page: 12 of 29
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
221 Heallfrith English Peaceful home. F
222 Heartha Teutonic Mother earth. F

223 Heather English A flowering evergreen plant that thrives on peaty barren lands as in Scotland. Heather. F
224 Hebe Greek Youth. In Greek mythology, goddess of youth and cupbearer to the gods. Granddaughter of Zeus and Hera. F
225 Hebrew Biblical Descendant of Heber. F
226 Hebron Biblical Society, friendship. F
227 Hecate Greek A Titan. F
228 Hecate Shakespearean 'The Tragedy of Macbeth' Queen of the Witches. F
229 Hecuba Greek Mother of Paris and Hector. F
230 Hecuba Latin Wife of Priam. F
231 Hedda German Refuge in war or struggle. Strife. Vigorous battle maiden. A diminutive of Hedwig. The heroine of the Norwegian dramatist Henrik Ibsen's play 'Hedda Gahler' (1890). F
232 Hedda Teutonic Refuge from battle. F
233 Hedia Greek Pleasant. F

234 Hedvige French Fighter. F
235 Hedwig German Refuge in war or struggle. Strife. F
236 Hedwig Swedish Peace in battle. F
237 Hedwig Teutonic Refuge from battle. F
238 Hedy German Warfare. Variant of Hedwig. F
239 Hedy Greek Pleasant. F
240 Hedy Slavic Strife. F