Showing 241 - 260 of 685 results. Page: 13 of 35
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
241 Germaine Celtic Loud of voice. F
242 Germaine French Feminine form of Jermaine: 'German' or 'from Germany', from the French word, Germain. Famous bearer: 1970s feminist writer Germaine Greer. F

243 Germaine Latin Feminine of Germain. Derives from a Roman name meaning 'brotherly. F
244 Germaine Teutonic Armed. F
245 Germana French German. From Germany. F
246 Germane Teutonic Armed. F
247 Germund Swedish Defender of man. F
248 Gerri English Modern form of Gerry. F
249 Gerrilyn English Blend of Geri plus Marilyn. F
250 Gerry English Diminutive of Geraldine: A feminine form of Gerald, meaning ruling spear. Famous bearer: The Earl of Surrey wrote a series of love poems titled, 'the fair Geraldine', to Lady Elizabeth Fitzgerald. F
251 Gert German Diminutive of Gertrude: From the Old German name, meaning strong spear. F
252 Gerta Teutonic Warrior. F
253 Gerte Teutonic Warrior. F

254 Gertie German Diminutive of Gertrude: From the Old German name, meaning strong spear. F
255 Gertmda Teutonic Strong with a spear. F
256 Gertraud Teutonic Warrior. F
257 Gertraude Teutonic Warrior. F
258 Gertrud German From the protected farm. F
259 Gertrud Swedish Warrior maid. F
260 Gertrud Teutonic Strong with a spear. F