Showing 501 - 520 of 991 results. Page: 26 of 50
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
501 Elzira Hebrew Devoted to God. F
502 Em German Variant of Emma: Whole. Complete. Universal. Old German 'ermin' or 'irmin', meaning universal. Also a diminutive of any feminine name starting with Em-. F

503 Ema German Serious. F
504 Ema Hungarian Serious. F
505 Ema Norse Wife of Jarl. F
506 Ema Spanish Grandmother. F
507 Ema Teutonic Nurse. F
508 Emalee Latin Industrious; striving. F
509 Emanuela Hebrew Feminine variant of Emanuel, meaning God with us. F
510 Ember English Anniversary. Ember day is a day in Lent devoted to fasting and prayer. Also modern usage as rhyming variant of Amber. F
511 Embla Norse From an elm. F
512 Emblem English Variant of the French Emmeline, which ultimately derives from the Old German 'amal' meaning labor. F
513 Emblem French Hardworking. Variant of Emily, from an Old German variant of Emmeline. F

514 Emblyn English Variant of the French Emmeline, which ultimately derives from the Old German 'amal' meaning labor. F
515 Emblyn French Hardworking. Variant of Emily, from an Old German variant of Emmeline. F
516 Emelia Latin Industrious; striving. F
517 Emelin Teutonic Hard working. F
518 Emelina Teutonic Hard working. F
519 Emeline English Variant of the French Emmeline, which ultimately derives from the Old German 'amal' meaning labor. F
520 Emeline French Hardworking. Variant of Emily, from an Old German variant of Emmeline. F