Showing 1241 - 1260 of 1288 results. Page: 63 of 65
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1241 Cumania Irish Name of a saint. F
1242 Cumina Scottish From Comines. F

1243 Cundrie ArthurianLegend Woman who condemns Percival. F
1244 Cundry ArthurianLegend Woman who condemns Percival. F
1245 Custelle Latin Majestic. F
1246 Cuth Biblical Burning. F
1247 Cuthah Biblical Burning. F
1248 Cwen Anglo-Saxon Queen. F
1249 Cwen English Queen. F
1250 Cwene Anglo-Saxon Queen. F
1251 Cybele Asian Mythological nature goddess worshiped as the Great Mother in Asia Minor. The mother of all gods and men and wild nature. Often kept company by lions. Identified with Rhea by the Greeks; with Maia and Ceres by the Romans. F
1252 Cybele Greek Mythological nature goddess worshiped as the Great Mother in Asia Minor. The mother of all gods and men and wild nature. Often kept company by lions. Identified with Rhea by the Greeks; with Maia and Ceres by the Romans. F
1253 Cybele Roman Mythological nature goddess worshiped as the Great Mother in Asia Minor. The mother of all gods and men and wild nature. Often kept company by lions. Identified with Rhea by the Greeks; with Maia and Ceres by the Romans. F

1254 Cyd English Variand abbreviation of Sydney, meaning "from St. Denis". F
1255 Cydnee English Variant of Sydney, meaning "From St. Denis." F
1256 Cydney English Variant of Sydney. From St. Denis. F
1257 Cym English Ruler. F
1258 Cyma Greek Flourish. F
1259 Cymberly English From the royal meadow. F
1260 Cymreiges Welsh Welsh woman. F