Showing 1581 - 1600 of 2210 results. Page: 80 of 111
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1581 Apocalypse Biblical Uncovering, revelation. F
1582 Apocrypha Biblical Hidden. F

1583 Apollina French Gift from Apollo. F
1584 Apollina Greek From Apdlo. F
1585 Apollinaris Greek From Apdlo. F
1586 Apolline French Gift from Apollo. F
1587 Apollonia Biblical Perdition, destruction. F
1588 Apollonia Greek Of Apollo. St Apollonia was a 3rd-century martyr who had her own teeth knocked out, frequently invoked against toothache. F
1589 Apollonia Latin Belonging to Apollo. Mythology; Apollo was the Greek god of sun; light; music; and poetry. F
1590 Apollonis Latin One of the muses worshipped at Delphi. F
1591 Aponi NativeAmerican Butterfly. F
1592 Apphia Biblical Productive; fruitful F
1593 Appolina Greek Variant of Apollonia: Of Apollo. St Apollonia was a 3rd-century martyr who had her own teeth knocked out, frequently invoked against toothache. F

1594 Appoline Greek Variant of Apollonia: Of Apollo. St Apollonia was a 3rd-century martyr who had her own teeth knocked out, frequently invoked against toothache. F
1595 April English Opening buds of spring; born in April. F
1596 April Latin Open. The month April; symbolizes spring. F
1597 Aprille English The month April; symbolizes spring. F
1598 Aprille Latin Open. The month April; symbolizes spring. F
1599 Apryl English The month April; symbolizes spring. F
1600 Apryl Latin Open. The month April; symbolizes spring. F