Showing 1561 - 1580 of 2210 results. Page: 79 of 111
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1561 Anya Russian Variant of Hebrew Hannah. Favor. Grace. F
1562 Anysia Greek Complete. F

1563 Anyssa English Variant of Anne or Agnes. F
1564 Anyuta Hebrew Grace. F
1565 Aoibheann Irish Fair. F
1566 Aoife Hebrew Life. F
1567 Aoife Irish Irish form of Eve: gives life. F
1568 Apala Indian Woman cursed with a skin disorder. F
1569 Apelles Biblical Exclusion, separation. F
1570 Aperira Maori The Maori form of April. F
1571 Apharsathchites Biblical Dividing or rending. F
1572 Apharsites Biblical Dividing or rending. F
1573 Aphek Biblical Strength, a rapid torrent. F

1574 Aphekah Biblical Strength, a rapid torrent. F
1575 Aphiah Biblical Speaking, blowing. F
1576 Aphik Biblical Strength, a rapid torrent. F
1577 Aphra Hebrew Dust. The Old Testament house of Aphrah means 'house of dust'. Famous bearer: 17th century British dramatist and novelist Aphra Behn. F
1578 Aphria Celtic Agreeable. F
1579 Aphrodite Greek Goddess of love. F
1580 Apirka Gaelic Pleasant. F