Showing 1141 - 1160 of 2210 results. Page: 58 of 111
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1141 Amorita Latin Dearly loved. F
1142 Amorite Biblical Bitter, a rebel, a babbler. F

1143 Amphitrite Greek A sea goddess. F
1144 Amphitrite Latin Aunt of Achilles. F
1145 Amplias Biblical Large, extensive. F
1146 Amritha Hindi Precious. F
1147 Amser Welsh Time. F
1148 Amtullah Muslim Female servant of Allah.. F
1149 Amunet Egyptian Mythical goddess of mystery. F
1150 Amy English Beloved. F
1151 Amy French Dearly loved; Beloved. From the Old French Amee, which derives from the Latin amatus meaning loved. In common use after publication of American Louisa May Alcott's 'Little Women'. F
1152 Amymone Greek Woman who murdered her husband. F
1153 Amymone Latin One of the Danaides. F

1154 Amynta Latin Protector. F
1155 Amyntas Latin Protector. F
1156 Ana Hebrew Grace. F
1157 Ana Maori Serene. F
1158 Ana Spanish Grace; favor. Variant of Anna. Often used in blended names like Analee and Anarosa. F
1159 Anabal Gaelic Joy. F
1160 Anabel Latin Beautiful. Graceful. F