Showing 241 - 260 of 2210 results. Page: 13 of 111
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
241 Adoracion Spanish Adoration. F
242 Adoraim Biblical Strength of the sea. F

243 Adoram Biblical Their beauty, their power. F
244 Adoree Latin Glory. F
245 Adoria Latin Glory. F
246 Adorlee French Adored. F
247 Adra Latin From Adria, the Adriatic sea region. Also means dark. F
248 Adramyttium Biblical The court of death. F
249 Adrasteia Latin Unyielding. F
250 Adrea Latin From Adria, the Adriatic sea region. Also means dark. F
251 Adreana Italian Dark. F
252 Adreanna French From Adria, the Adriatic sea region. Also means dark. F
253 Adria Latin From Adria, the Adriatic sea region. Also means dark. F

254 Adrian German Dark. F
255 Adrian Latin Dark. F
256 Adrian Swedish Dark. F
257 Adriana Italian Dark. F
258 Adriana Latin Feminine form of Adrian, from the Latin Hadrianus meaning of Adria, or of the Adriatic. Also means dark. F
259 Adriana Shakespearean 'The Comedy of Errors' Wife to Antipholus of Ephesus. F
260 Adriana Spanish Dark. F