Showing 921 - 940 of 1083 results. Page: 47 of 55
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
921 Tristin Celtic Tumult; outcry. From the Celtic name Tristan. In Arthurian legend Tristan was a Knight of the Round Table and tragic hero of the medieval tale Tristram and Isolde. M
922 Tristin English Tumult; outcry. From the Celtic name Tristan. In Arthurian legend Tristan was a Knight of the Round Table and tragic hero of the medieval tale Tristram and Isolde. M

923 Tristin French Tumult; outcry. From the Celtic name Tristan. In Arthurian legend Tristan was a Knight of the Round Table and tragic hero of the medieval tale Tristram and Isolde. M
924 Tristram ArthurianLegend A knight. M
925 Tristram Celtic Variant of Tristan: Sad din. In a story from the Middle Ages, Tristan, nephew of King Mark of Cornwall, was in love with the princess Iseult of Ireland. M
926 Tristram Latin Full of sorrows. M
927 Tristram Welsh Sorrowful. M
928 Tristyn Welsh Tumult; outcry. From the Celtic name Tristan. M
929 Triton Greek Son of Poseidon. M
930 Triton Latin A sea god. M
931 Troas Biblical Penetrated. M
932 Troi English Troy derives from the ancient Greek city of Troy; also from an Irish surname meaning 'soldier.'. M
933 Troilus Latin Son of Priam. M

934 Troilus Shakespearean 'The History of Troilus and Cressida' King Priam's son. M
935 Tron Norse Growing. M
936 Trond Norse Growing. M
937 Trophimus Biblical Well educated, well brought up. M
938 Trophonius Greek Brother of Agamedes. M
939 Tros Latin Founder of Troy. M
940 Trowbrydge English From the tree bridge. M