Showing 621 - 640 of 1083 results. Page: 32 of 55
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
621 Timotheus Biblical Honor of God; valued of God M
622 Timotheus Welsh Welsh form of Timothy 'God given'. M

623 Timothy English One who honors God. The biblical Timothy was the young Christian to whom Paul wrote. 'Let no man look down on your youth.'. M
624 Timothy Greek God's honour; God fearing. M
625 Timun Greek God fearing. M
626 Tintagel ArthurianLegend Land of Igraine. M
627 Tioboid Gaelic Bold. M
628 Tiomoid Greek God fearing. M
629 Tiphsah Biblical Passage, leap, step, the passover. M
630 Tipper Irish Nickname and variant of the Irish name Tabar meaning a well. M
631 Tirell English Thunder ruler. M
632 Tirell Teutonic Martial ruler. M
633 Tiresias Greek A blind seer. M

634 Tirhakah Biblical Inquirer, examiner, dull observer. M
635 Tiria Biblical Searching out. M
636 Tiridates Armenian Name of a king. M
637 Tirshatha Biblical A governor M
638 Tishbite Biblical That makes captive. M
639 Tithonus Latin A lover of Aurora. M
640 Titinius Shakespearean 'The Tragedy of Julius Caesar' Supportor of Brutus. M