Showing 581 - 600 of 1083 results. Page: 30 of 55
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
581 Tiernan Irish Regal. M
582 Tiernay Celtic Regal. M

583 Tierney Irish Regal. M
584 Tiffney English Variant of the Greek name Theophania referring to the Epiphany - manifestation of divinity. M
585 Tighe Irish Handsome. Variant of Teague. M
586 Tighearnach Irish Regal. M
587 Tiglath-pileser Biblical That binds or takes away captivity. M
588 Tihalt German Prince of the people. M
589 Tihkoosue NativeAmerican Short (Algonquin). M
590 Tikvah Biblical Hope, a little line, congregation. M
591 Til Teutonic People's rule. M
592 Tila English Good. M
593 Tiladene English From the fertile valley. M

594 Tilden English From the fertile valley. M
595 Tilford English From the fertile ford. M
596 Tilian Anglo-Saxon Strives. M
597 Till Teutonic People's rule. M
598 Tillman English Virile. M
599 Tillmann Teutonic People's rule. M
600 Tilman English Virile. M