Showing 561 - 580 of 1083 results. Page: 29 of 55
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
561 Thurstun English Thor's stone. M
562 Thutmose Egyptian Name of a pharsoh. M

563 Thyatira Biblical A perfume, sacrifice of labor. M
564 Thyestes Greek Brother of Atreus. M
565 Thyreus Shakespearean Antony and Cleopatra'. Friend to Caesar. M
566 Tianna English Abbreviation of Tatiana. M
567 Tiarchnach Irish Regal. M
568 Tibault French Rule of the peop]e. M
569 Tibbath Biblical Killing, a cook. M
570 Tibbot Irish Irish form of Theobald. M
571 Tiberias Biblical Good vision, the navel. M
572 Tiberio Italian From the Tiber. M
573 Tiberius Biblical The son of Tiber M

574 Tibni Biblical Straw, hay. M
575 Tibor Slavic Holy place. M
576 Tidal Biblical That breaks the yoke, knowledge of elevation. M
577 Tiebout Dutch Bold. M
578 Tiege Greek Honor. M
579 Tier Irish Regal. M
580 Tiernan Celtic Regal. M