Showing 541 - 560 of 1083 results. Page: 28 of 55
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
541 Thrythwig English Strong warrior. M
542 Thummim Biblical Perfection, truth. M

543 Thunder English Stormy tempered. M
544 Thurhloew English From Thor's hill. M
545 Thurio Shakespearean 'Two Gentlemen of Verona' A foolish rival to Valentine. M
546 Thurl Irish Strong fort. M
547 Thurle Irish Strong fort. M
548 Thurleah English From Thor's meadow. M
549 Thurleigh English From Thor's meadow. M
550 Thurlow English From Thor's hill. M
551 Thurlow Norse From Thor's hill. M
552 Thurman Scandinavian Variant of Thor 'Thunder.' Surname. M
553 Thurmond English Thor's protection. M

554 Thurstan English Thor's stone. M
555 Thurstan Norse Variant of Thurston: Thor's stone. M
556 Thurstan Scandinavian Variant of Thor 'Thunder.' Surname. M
557 Thurston English Thor's stone. M
558 Thurston Norse Thor's stone. M
559 Thurston Scandinavian Thor's stone. M
560 Thurston Teutonic Thor's stone. M