Showing 101 - 120 of 1454 results. Page: 6 of 73
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
101 Saka Indian From the Shaka. M
102 Sakeri Hebrew Remembered by God. M

103 Sakhaawat Muslim Variant of Sakhawat: Suppleness. Generosity.. M
104 Sakhawat Muslim Suppleness. Generosity.. M
105 Sakhee Muslim Variant of Sakhi: Generous. Liberal.. M
106 Sakhi Muslim Generous. Liberal.. M
107 Sakima NativeAmerican King. M
108 Sal Italian Diminutive of Salvatore: Savior. M
109 Sal Latin Savior. Diminutive of Salvador. M
110 Sal Spanish Savior. Diminutive of Salvador. M
111 Salaah Muslim Variant of Salah.: Righteousness. Goodness. Peace.. M
112 Salaamat Muslim Variant of Salamat: Soundness. Integrity.. M
113 Salah Biblical Mission, sending. M

114 Salah Muslim Righteousness. Goodness. Peace.. M
115 Salahuddeen Muslim Variant of Salahuddin: The righteousness of the Faith.. M
116 Salahuddin Muslim The righteousness of the Faith.. M
117 Salamat Muslim Soundness. Integrity.. M
118 Salamis Biblical Shaken, test, beaten. M
119 Salamon Hebrew Peaceful. M
120 Salathiel Biblical Asked or lent of God. M