Showing 821 - 840 of 1454 results. Page: 42 of 73
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
821 Shipley English From the sheep meadow. M
822 Shipton English From the sheep farm. M

823 Shiriki NativeAmerican Coyote (Pawnee). M
824 Shisha Biblical Of marble, pleasant. M
825 Shishak Biblical Present of the bag, of the pot, of the thigh. M
826 Shishiesh NativeAmerican Variant of Ashishishe: Crow name for crow. M
827 Shith Muslim Variant of Sheeth: The Biblical Seth is the English language equivalent.. M
828 Shitrai Biblical Gatherer of money M
829 Shittim Biblical Thorns. M
830 Shiva Indian God of the moon. M
831 Shiye NativeAmerican Son (Navajo). M
832 Shiza Biblical This gift. M
833 Shizhe'e NativeAmerican Father (Navajo). M

834 Shoa Biblical Kings; tyrants M
835 Shobab Biblical Returned, turned back, a spark. M
836 Shobach Biblical Your bonds, your chains. M
837 Shobai Biblical Turning captivity. M
838 Shobal Biblical Path, ear of corn. M
839 Shobek Biblical Made void, forsaken. M
840 Shochoh Biblical Defense, a bough. M