Showing 801 - 820 of 1454 results. Page: 41 of 73
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
801 Shiloh Biblical Peace, abundance (name of a city). M
802 Shiloh Hebrew The one to whom it belongs. In the bible Shiloh is a prophetic name for the Messiah; Also Shiloh is significant as the site of a crucial battle in the American Civil War. M

803 Shilom Biblical Tarrying, peace-maker. M
804 Shilshah Biblical Three; chief; captain M
805 Shim'on Hebrew Son of Simon. M
806 Shimeah Biblical That hears, or obeys, perdition. M
807 Shimeath Biblical That hears, or obeys, perdition. M
808 Shimei Biblical That hears or obeys, my reputation, my fame. M
809 Shimeon Biblical That hears or obeys, that is heard M
810 Shimi Biblical That hears or obeys, my reputation, my fame. M
811 Shimon Biblical 'Providing well, fatness, oil' M
812 Shimrath Biblical Hearing, obedient. M
813 Shimri Biblical Thorn, dregs. M

814 Shimrith Biblical Thorn, dregs. M
815 Shimron Biblical Thorn, dregs. M
816 Shimshai Biblical My son M
817 Shimshon Hebrew Bright sun. M
818 Shinab Biblical Father of changing M
819 Shinar Biblical Watch of him that sleeps M
820 Shiphi Biblical Multitude. M