Showing 781 - 800 of 1454 results. Page: 40 of 73
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
781 Sheshan Biblical Lily, rose, joy, flax. M
782 Sheshbazzar Biblical Joy in tribulation, joy of the vintage. M

783 Shet Hebrew Compensation. M
784 Shetan Indian A demon. M
785 Shethar Biblical Putrefied, searching. M
786 Shethar-boznai Biblical That makes to rot, that seeks those who despise me. M
787 Sheva Biblical Vanity, elevation, fame, tumult. M
788 Shey Irish Variant of Shea: courteous. M
789 Shibboleth Biblical Ear of corn, stream or flood. M
790 Shibmah Biblical Overmuch captivity, or sitting. M
791 Shicron Biblical Drunkenness; his gift; his wages M
792 Shiggaion Biblical A song of trouble or comfort. M
793 Shihab Muslim Flame. Blaze.. M

794 Shihon Biblical Sound, wall of strength. M
795 Shihor-libnah Biblical Blackness of Libnah. M
796 Shilah NativeAmerican Brother (Navajo). M
797 Shilhi Biblical Bough, weapon, armor. M
798 Shilhim Biblical Bough, weapon, armor. M
799 Shillem Biblical Peace, perfection, retribution. M
800 Shilo Hebrew The one to whom it belongs. In the bible Shiloh is a prophetic name for the Messiah; Also Shiloh is significant as the site of a crucial battle in the American Civil War. M