Showing 601 - 620 of 1454 results. Page: 31 of 73
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
601 Shaktar Indian Name of a hermit. M
602 Shakti Indian Powerful. M

603 Shaku Arabic Grateful. M
604 Shalem Biblical Complete or perfect peace. M
605 Shalim Biblical Foxes, fists, path. M
606 Shalisha Biblical Three; the third; prince; captain M
607 Shallow Shakespearean 'King Henry IV, Part 2' and 'The Merry Wives of Windsor' Robert Shallow, a country justice. M
608 Shallum Biblical Perfect, agreeable. M
609 Shalmai Biblical My garment. M
610 Shalman Biblical Peaceable, perfect, that rewards. M
611 Shalmaneser Biblical Peace, tied, chained, perfection, retribution. M
612 Shalom Hebrew Peaceful. M
613 Shalya Indian Throne. M

614 Shamariah Biblical Throne or keeping of the Lord M
615 Shamba Indian Son of Krishna. M
616 Shamed Biblical Destroying, wearing out. M
617 Shameem Muslim Variant of Shamim: Odor. Scent.. M
618 Shamer Biblical Prison, bush, lees, thorn. M
619 Shamgar Biblical Named a stranger; he is here a stranger M
620 Shamhuth Biblical Desolation, destruction. M