Showing 541 - 560 of 1454 results. Page: 28 of 73
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
541 Seymour French From St. Maur (French place name). M
542 Seymour Teutonic Mighty at sea. M

543 Seyton Shakespearean 'The Tragedy of Macbeth' Attendant to Macbeth. M
544 Sguelaiche Gaelic Storyteller. M
545 Shaad Muslim Happy. Cheerful.. M
546 Shaady Muslim Variant of Shadi: Singer.. M
547 Shaah Muslim Variant of Shah: Shah. King.. M
548 Shaaheen Muslim Variant of Shahin: Hawk. Falcon.. M
549 Shaakir Muslim Variant of Shakir: Thankful. Grateful.. M
550 Shaalabbim Biblical Understanding; or son of a fox M
551 Shaalbim Biblical That beholds the heart. M
552 Shaalbonite Biblical A fox's building. M
553 Shaan Hebrew Peaceful. M

554 Shaaraim Biblical Gates, valuation, hairs. M
555 Shaashgaz Biblical He that presses the fleece; that shears the sheep M
556 Shabaka Egyptian Name of a king. M
557 Shabbethai Biblical My rest. M
558 Shachia Biblical Protection of the Lord. M
559 Shad English Short form of the Biblical Shadrach; one of three young Hebrew men who survived being cast into a fiery furnace. M
560 Shadd English Short form of the Biblical Shadrach; one of three young Hebrew men who survived being cast into a fiery furnace. M