Showing 461 - 480 of 1454 results. Page: 24 of 73
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
461 Sennacherib Biblical Bramble of destruction. M
462 Sennet French Wise. M

463 Senon Spanish Lively. M
464 Senusnet Egyptian Name of a pharaoh. M
465 Seoirse Greek Farmer. M
466 Seorim Biblical Gates, hairs, tempests. M
467 Seorsa Greek Farmer. M
468 Seorus Gaelic Farmer. M
469 Seosamh Gaelic He shall add. M
470 Seosamh Hebrew God will multiply. M
471 Seosaph Hebrew God will multiply. M
472 Sephar Biblical Book, scribe, number. M
473 Sepharad Biblical A book descending. M

474 Sepharvaim Biblical The two books, the two scribes. M
475 Seppanen Finnish Smith. M
476 Septimus Latin Born seventh. Name given to the seventh child born to a large family. M
477 Serafim Hebrew An angel like being of a lower order. M
478 Serafin Hebrew An angel like being of a lower order. M
479 Serafin Spanish Seraph. M
480 Seraiah Biblical Prince of the Lord M