Showing 381 - 400 of 1454 results. Page: 20 of 73
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
381 Sebastianus Latin August. M
382 Sebastien French Revered. M

383 Sebat Biblical Twig, scepter, tribe. M
384 Sebert English Glory at sea. M
385 Sebestyen Greek Revered. M
386 Sebestyen Hungarian Revered. M
387 Sebo Hungarian Revered. M
388 Secacah Biblical Shadow, covering, defense. M
389 Secg English Swordsman. M
390 Secgwic English From the sword grass place. M
391 Sechu Biblical Defense, bough. M
392 Secundus Biblical Second. M
393 Sedge English Swordsman. M

394 Sedgeley English From the swordsman's meadow. M
395 Sedgewic English From the sword grass place. M
396 Sedgewick English From the sword grass place. M
397 Sedgewik English From the sword grass place. M
398 Seely English From the happy meadow. M
399 Seemaab Muslim Variant of Simab: Mercury. Quicksilver.. M
400 Seeton English From the farm by the sea. M