Showing 121 - 140 of 757 results. Page: 7 of 38
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
121 Parnach Biblical A bull striking, or struck. M
122 Parnall English Little rock. M

123 Parnassus Latin From Pamassus. M
124 Parnel English Surname derived from a medieval given name. M
125 Parnel Irish Nineteenth-century Irish Nationalist Charles Parnell. M
126 Parnell English Surname derived from a medieval given name. M
127 Parnell Irish Nineteenth-century Irish Nationalist Charles Parnell. M
128 Parolles Shakespearean All's Well That Ends Well.' A follower of Bertram, Count of Rousillon. M
129 Parosh Biblical A flea, the fruit of a moth. M
130 Parounag Armenian Grateful. M
131 Parr English From the cattle enclosure. M
132 Parrish English Lives near the church. M
133 Parry Welsh Son of Harry. M

134 Parsefal English Valley piercer. M
135 Parshandatha Biblical Given by prayer. M
136 Parsifal ArthurianLegend Hero of several Arthurian stories. M
137 Parsifal English Valley piercer. M
138 Part 1 and 2' Shakespearean Variant of Edmund: 'King Henry IV, Part 1' Earl of March. Scroop M
139 Parthalan Aramaic Ploughman. M
140 Parthalan Gaelic Son of the furrows. M