Showing 101 - 120 of 757 results. Page: 6 of 38
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
101 Parah Biblical A cow, increasing. M
102 Paran Biblical Beauty, glory, ornament. M

103 Parbar Biblical A suburb. M
104 Parfait French Perfect. M
105 Paris French The French capital. M
106 Paris Greek Son of Priam. M
107 Paris Latin Abductor of Helen. M
108 Paris Shakespearean 'The Tragedy of Romeo And Juliet' Paris, a young Count, kinsman to the Prince of Verona. 'The History of Troilus and Cressida' King Priam's son. M
109 Parisch English Lives near the church. M
110 Park English Of the forest. M
111 Parke English Of the forest. M
112 Parker English Keeper of the forest; forest ranger. Famous bearer: actor Parker Stevenson. M
113 Parkin English Little rock. M

114 Parkins English Son of Parkin. M
115 Parkinson English Son of Parkin. M
116 Parlan Aramaic Ploughman. M
117 Parlan Scottish Farmer. M
118 Parle English Little rock. M
119 Parmashta Biblical A yearling bull. M
120 Parmenas Biblical That abides, or is permanent. M