Showing 741 - 757 of 757 results. Page: 38 of 38
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
741 Putiel Biblical God is my fatness M
742 Putnam Anglo-Saxon Dwells by the pond. M

743 Putnam English From the commander's estate. M
744 Puw Welsh Welsh form of Pugh 'son of Hugh'. M
745 Pwyll Celtic Mythical lord of Annwn. M
746 Pwyll Welsh Son of Howell. M
747 Pygmalion Greek King of Cyprus. M
748 Pygmalion Latin King of Cyprus. M
749 Pylades Greek Friend of Orestes. M
750 Pyn English From the enclosure. M
751 Pyotr Russian A rock. Form of Peter. M
752 Pyotr Slavic Stone. M
753 Pyramus Greek Lover of Thisbe. M

754 Pyramus Shakespearean A Midsummer Night's Dream' Bottom, a weaver, acts as Pyramus in the play within the play. M
755 Pyrrhus Greek King of Epirus. M
756 Pyrs Welsh Welsh form of Pierce 'rock'. M
757 Pyt English From the Pit. M