Showing 481 - 500 of 757 results. Page: 25 of 38
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
481 Philips English Son of Philip. M
482 Philistines Biblical Those who dwell in villages. M

483 Phillip English Fond of horses. One of the biblical 12 apostles. M
484 Phillip Greek Variant of Philip: Lover of horses. M
485 Phillipe French Loves horses. M
486 Phillips English Son of Philip. M
487 Philo Greek Friend; Loves or loved. M
488 Philo Shakespearean Antony and Cleopatra'. Friend to Mark Antony. M
489 Philoctetes Greek Killed Paris. M
490 Philoetius Greek A cowherd. M
491 Philologus Biblical A lover of letters, or of the word. M
492 Philostrate Shakespearean A Midsummer Night's Dream' Master of the Revels to Theseus. M
493 Philotus Shakespearean 'The Life of Timon of Athens' Timon's servant. M

494 Phineas Greek Mouth of brass. M
495 Phineas Hebrew Oracle. One of the two sons of the priest Eli in the Old Testament. M
496 Phinees Greek Mouth of brass. M
497 Phinehas Biblical Bold aspect, face of trust or protection. M
498 Phinehas Hebrew Variant of Phineas: Oracle. One of the two sons of the priest Eli in the Old Testament. M
499 Phineus Greek Mouth of brass. M
500 Phlegethon Greek River of fire. M