Showing 161 - 180 of 455 results. Page: 9 of 23
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
161 Omari African God the highest (Swahili). M
162 Omari Egyptian High born. M

163 Omarr African God the highest (Swahili). M
164 Omawnakw NativeAmerican Cloud feather (Hopi). M
165 Omeet Hebrew My light. M
166 Omega Biblical The last letter of the Greek alphabet, long O. M
167 Omer Arabic First son. M
168 Omet Hebrew My light. M
169 Ommar Arabic First son. M
170 Omolf Norse Son of Armod. M
171 Omparkash Indian Light of God. M
172 Omran Muslim Solid structure.. M
173 Omri Biblical Sheaf of corn. M

174 On Biblical Pain, force, iniquity M
175 Onam Biblical Pain, force, iniquity M
176 Onan Biblical Pain, force, iniquity M
177 Ondrus Czechoslovakian Manly. M
178 Ondyaw Welsh Legendary son of a French Duke. M
179 Onesimus Biblical Profitable, useful. M
180 Onesiphorus Biblical Who brings profit. M