Showing 101 - 120 of 455 results. Page: 6 of 23
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
101 Ohitekah NativeAmerican Brave (Sioux). M
102 Oidhche Scottish Night. M

103 Oighrig Greek Well spoken. M
104 Oilibhear Norse Relic. M
105 Oistin Latin Revered. M
106 Okes English From the oak. M
107 Okhmhaka NativeAmerican Little wolf (Cheyenne). M
108 Okpara Egyptian First born. M
109 Ol Welsh Legendary son of Olwydd. M
110 Ola Norse Relic. M
111 Olaf Danish Family. M
112 Olaf Norse Relic; ancestral heritage. St. Olaf is the patron saint of Norway, and there were many kings in Scandinavia named Olaf. M
113 Olaf Scandinavian Ancestral heritage. M

114 Olaf Swedish Andent. M
115 Olaf Teutonic Relic. M
116 Olav Norse Variant of Olaf: Relic; ancestral heritage. M
117 Olave Norse Variant of Olaf: Relic; ancestral heritage. M
118 Ole Danish Family. M
119 Ole Norse Relic. M
120 Oleg Russian Holy. M