Showing 501 - 520 of 629 results. Page: 26 of 32
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
501 Noah Hebrew Comfort; long-lived; repose. In the Bible, Noah built the ark, allowing his family and a male/female pair of every species of animal to survive the Flood. M
502 Noak Swedish Rest. M

503 Nob Biblical Discourse, prophecy. M
504 Nobah Biblical That barks or yelps. M
505 Nod Biblical 'Vagabond, fugitive' M
506 Nodab Biblical Vowing of his own accord M
507 Nodens Anglo-Saxon A British god. M
508 Nodin NativeAmerican Wind. M
509 Nodons Anglo-Saxon A British god. M
510 Noe Biblical Repose; consolation M
511 Noe Hebrew Comfort. M
512 Noe Spanish Rest;consolation. Form of Noah. M
513 Noel French Christmas. M

514 Noell French Birthday. Feminine of Noel. Commonly refers to Christ's birth and Christmas festival. M
515 Nogah Biblical Brightness, clearness. M
516 Noha Biblical Rest, a guide. M
517 Nohle Latin Noble. M
518 Nolan Celtic Noble. M
519 Nolan Gaelic Famous. M
520 Nolan Irish Famous; renowned; noble. M