Showing 341 - 360 of 629 results. Page: 18 of 32
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
341 NewIyn Welsh Dwells near the new pool. M
342 Newland English Lives on the new land. M

343 Newlin Celtic From the new spring. M
344 Newlin Welsh Dwells near the new pool. M
345 Newlyn Celtic From the new spring. M
346 Newman English Newcomer. M
347 Newton Anglo-Saxon From the new estate. M
348 Newton English New town; from the new farm. M
349 NewyddIlyn Welsh Dwells near the new pool. M
350 Neziah Biblical Conqueror, strong. M
351 Nezib Biblical Standing-place. M
352 Ngozi Egyptian Blessed. M
353 Ni'mat Muslim Blessing. Grace.. M

354 Niall Celtic Champion. M
355 Niall English Champion. A dynasty of Irish kings was founded by Niall of the Nine Hostages. M
356 Niall Gaelic Champion. M
357 Niall Irish Variant of Neill: Champion. A dynasty of Irish kings was founded by Niall of the Nine Hostages. M
358 Niall Scottish Champion. M
359 Niallan Celtic Champion. M
360 Nibhaz Biblical Budding, prophesying. M