Showing 1061 - 1080 of 1513 results. Page: 54 of 76
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1061 Mikolaus Basque Of the conquering people. M
1062 Miksa Latin Greatest. M

1063 Mil Welsh Legendary son of Dugum. M
1064 Milalai Biblical Circumcision, my talk. M
1065 Milan Shakespearean 'Two Gentlemen of Verona' The Duke of Milan, father to Silvia. M
1066 Milap NativeAmerican Charitable. M
1067 Milburn English Millstream. From the mill stream. M
1068 Milbyrne English From the mill stream. M
1069 Milcom Biblical Their king M
1070 Miles English Merciful. M
1071 Miles Greek Destroyer. M
1072 Miles Hebrew Variant of Michael: Who is like God? Gift from God. M
1073 Miles Irish Servant. M

1074 Miles Latin Soldier. M
1075 Miletum Biblical Red, scarlet. M
1076 Milford English From the mill's ford. M
1077 Millard English One who grinds grain. Surname. M
1078 Millard French Strong. M
1079 Millen English One who grinds grain. Surname. M
1080 Miller English One who grinds grain. Surname. M