Showing 881 - 900 of 1513 results. Page: 45 of 76
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
881 Menes Egyptian Name of a king. M
882 Menkaura Egyptian Name of a pharaoh. M

883 Menoeceus Greek Father of Jocasta. M
884 Mensah Egyptian Born third. M
885 Menteith Shakespearean 'The Tragedy of Macbeth' A nobleman of Scotland. M
886 Mentor Greek Wise counselor. M
887 Menw Celtic Mythical a wizard. M
888 Menw Welsh Legendary son of Teinkaedd. M
889 Menzies Scottish From Mesniers. M
890 Meonenim Biblical Charmers, regarders of times. M
891 Mephaath Biblical Appearance, or force, of waters. M
892 Mephibosheth Biblical Out of my mouth proceeds reproach. M
893 Merab Biblical He that fights or disputes M

894 Meraioth Biblical Bitterness, rebellious, changing. M
895 Merari Biblical Bitter, to provoke. M
896 Mercer English Merchant. M
897 Mercer French Merchant. M
898 Mercer Latin Merchant. M
899 Mercher Welsh Welsh form of Mercury, messenger of the gods. M
900 Mercina Latin Compassion; forbearance. M