Showing 861 - 880 of 1513 results. Page: 44 of 76
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
861 Melvyn Celtic Leader. M
862 Melvyn English Strong friend. Possibly 'friend of Michael.'. M

863 Melvyn Irish Chief. M
864 Melwas ArthurianLegend Name of a king. M
865 Melyon ArthurianLegend Son of Mordred. M
866 Melzar Biblical Circumcision of a narrow place, or of a bond. M
867 Memnon Latin Killed by Achilles in the Trojan War. M
868 Mempbis Egyptian From Memphis. M
869 Memphis Biblical Abode of the good. M
870 Memucan Biblical Impoverished, to prepare, certain, true. M
871 Menachem Hebrew Comfort. M
872 Menahem Biblical Comforter, who conducts them, preparation of heat. M
873 Menan Biblical Numbered, rewarded, prepared. M

874 Menas Shakespearean Antony and Cleopatra'. Friend to Pompey. M
875 Menassah Hebrew Forgetful. M
876 Mene Biblical Who reckons or is counted. M
877 Menecrates Shakespearean Antony and Cleopatra'. Friend to Pompey. M
878 Menelaus Greek Brother of Agamemnon. M
879 Menelaus Shakespearean 'The History of Troilus and Cressida' Brother to the Greek general. M
880 Menenius Shakespearean 'The Tragedy of Coriolanus.' Menenius Agrippa, friend to Coriolanus. M