Showing 541 - 560 of 1513 results. Page: 28 of 76
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
541 Maro Japanese Myself. M
542 Maroth Biblical Bitterness. M

543 Marq French Of Mars; the god of war. M
544 Marque French Of Mars; the god of war. M
545 Marques Portuguese Of Mars; the god of war. A title name ranking below duke and above earl. M
546 Marquez Spanish A title name ranking below duke and above earl. M
547 Marquis French A title name ranking below duke and above earl. M
548 Marquise Italian A title name ranking below duke and above earl. M
549 Marrok ArthurianLegend A knight thought to be a werewolf. M
550 Mars Latin God of war. M
551 Mars Leucetius Anglo-Saxon God worshipped at Bath. M
552 Marschall English Steward. M
553 Marsden English From the marsh valley. M

554 Marsena Biblical Bitterness of a bramble. M
555 Marsh English From the marsh. M
556 Marsh French Steward. M
557 Marshal English Steward. Also, a law enforcement officer's title. M
558 Marshal French Variant of Marshall: Horse servant; marshal; steward. M
559 Marshall English Steward 'Caretaker of horses.'. M
560 Marshall French Horse servant; marshal; steward. M