Showing 261 - 280 of 1513 results. Page: 14 of 76
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
261 Majdy Muslim Glorious.. M
262 Majeed Persian Superior. M

263 Major Latin Greater. Also a military rank above Captain and below Colonel. M
264 Makalani Egyptian Clerk. M
265 Makani Hawaiian Wind. M
266 Makarioa Greek Blessed. M
267 Makas Biblical An end, ending, growing hope. M
268 Makeen Arabic Strong. M
269 Makeen Muslim Variant of Makin: Strong. Firm.. M
270 Makhdoom Muslim Variant of Makhdum: Master. Employer.. M
271 Makhdum Muslim Master. Employer.. M
272 Makheloth Biblical Assemblies, congregations. M
273 Maki Finnish Hill. M

274 Makimus Latin Greatest. M
275 Makin Arabic Strong. M
276 Makin Muslim Strong. Firm.. M
277 Makis Hebrew Gift from God. M
278 Makkapitew NativeAmerican He has large teeth (Algonquin). M
279 Makkedah Biblical Worshiping, burning, raised, crookedness. M
280 Maklolm Swedish Swedish form of Makolm 'serves Saint Columba'. M