Showing 761 - 780 of 1092 results. Page: 39 of 55
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
761 Hippocampus Greek A horse of Poseidon. M
762 Hippocampus Latin Neptune's horse. M

763 Hippogriff Greek Part horse part griffen. M
764 Hippolytus Greek Horse let loose. In Greek legend, the son of Theseus and Hippolyta, who was dragged to his death by stampeding horses. M
765 Hippolytusr Greek Freer of horses. M
766 Hippomenes Greek Winner of Atalanta. M
767 Hirah Biblical Liberty, anger. M
768 Hiram Biblical 'Exaltation of life, a destroyer' M
769 Hiram Hebrew My brother is exalted. A king of Tyre from the Old Testament. M
770 Hiranyagarbha Hindi A golden egg. M
771 Hirsch Yiddish Deer. M
772 Hittite Biblical One who is broken, who fears. M
773 Hivites Biblical Wicked, wickedness. M

774 Hizkijah Biblical The strength of the Lord. M
775 Hjalmar Swedish Name of a noble. M
776 Hlaford Anglo-Saxon Master. M
777 Hline English From the bank. M
778 Hlink English From the bank. M
779 Hlinka Czechoslovakian Burns lime. M
780 Hlisa Anglo-Saxon Fame. M