Showing 701 - 720 of 1092 results. Page: 36 of 55
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
701 Hevataneo NativeAmerican Hairyrope (Cheyenne). M
702 Hevovitastamiutsto NativeAmerican Whirlwind (Cheyenne). M

703 Hew English Variant of Hugh: Heart. Mind. Inspiration. Intelligent. From old German. Derived from Hugo. M
704 Hewett German Little Hugh. M
705 Hewitt German Little Hugh. M
706 Hewlett German Little Hugh. M
707 Hewlitt German Little Hugh. M
708 Heywood English From the hedged forest. M
709 Hezekiah Biblical Strength of the Lord. M
710 Hezekiah Hebrew God is my strength. God has strengthened. One of the kings of Judah in the Old Testament. M
711 Hezer Biblical A bog, converted. M
712 Hezir Biblical A bog, converted. M
713 Hezrai Biblical An entry or vestibule. M

714 Hezron Biblical The dart of joy, the division of the song. M
715 Hezron Hebrew Variant of Chetzron: From the walled town. M
716 Hiamovi NativeAmerican High chief (Cheyenne). M
717 Hiatt English From the high gate. M
718 Hickey Irish Healer. M
719 Hid English From the hide. M
720 Hidaayat Muslim Variant of Hidayat: Guidance. Instruction.. M