Showing 681 - 700 of 1092 results. Page: 35 of 55
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
681 Herryk Norse War chief. M
682 Herschel Hebrew Deer. M

683 Herschel Yiddish Deer. M
684 Hershel Hebrew Deer. M
685 Hershel Yiddish Deer. M
686 Hersi Norse A chieftain. M
687 Heru Egyptian Sun god. M
688 Herve English Bitter. M
689 Herve Teutonic Warrior. M
690 Hervey French Variant of Harvey: From Celtic words for battle, strong, worthy, and ardent. Used commonly during the middle ages. M
691 Herwin Teutonic Loves war. M
692 Herwyn Teutonic Loves war. M
693 Heshbon Biblical Invention, industry. M

694 Heshmon Biblical A hasty messenger. M
695 Heskovizenako NativeAmerican Porcupine bear (Cheyenne). M
696 Hesperos Greek Evening star. M
697 Hesutu NativeAmerican Yellow jacket's nest rising out of the ground (Miwok). M
698 Heth Biblical Trembling, fear. M
699 Hetheclif English From the heath cliff. M
700 Hethlon Biblical A fearful dwelling. M