Showing 621 - 640 of 1092 results. Page: 32 of 55
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
621 Henty Teutonic Rules an estate. M
622 Henwas Celtic Mythical brother of Henbeddestr. M

623 Heolstor Anglo-Saxon Darkness. M
624 Heorhiy Ukrainian Farmer. M
625 Heorot Anglo-Saxon Deer. M
626 Heort English Stag. M
627 Heortwiella English Lives near the stag's spring. M
628 Heortwode English From the stag's forest. M
629 Hephaestus Greek God of the crafts. M
630 Hepher Biblical A digger. M
631 Heraklesr Greek Son of Zeus. M
632 Herald English One who proclaims. Also variant of Harold Army commander.'. M
633 Herald Teutonic One who proclaims. Also variant of Harold Army commander.'. M

634 Heraldo English Army commander. M
635 Heraldo Teutonic Army commander. M
636 Herb German Diminutive of Herbert: Illustrious warrior. Army. Bright. Introduced into Britain during the Norman Conquest. Famous Bearer: American president Herbert C. Hoover (1874-1964). M
637 Herbert French Illustrious warrior. M
638 Herbert German Illustrious warrior. Army. Bright. Introduced into Britain during the Norman Conquest. Famous Bearer: American president Herbert C. Hoover (1874-1964). M
639 Herbert Shakespearean 'King Henry IV, Part 1' Sir Walter Blunt. 'Henry VI, Part 2' Walter Whitmore. 'King Richard III' Sir Walter Herbert. M
640 Herbert Swedish Intelligent warrior. M