Showing 241 - 260 of 1092 results. Page: 13 of 55
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
241 Hanes Biblical Banishment of grace. M
242 Hanes Teutonic Dwells in the hedged enclosure. M

243 Hanford English From the high ford. M
244 Hani Muslim Happy. Delighted. Content.. M
245 Hania NativeAmerican Spirit warrior (Hopi). M
246 Haniel Biblical The gift of God. M
247 Haniel Hebrew Variant of Chaniel: God's grace. M
248 Hanif Egyptian Believes. M
249 Hanif Muslim True Believer. Orthodox.. M
250 Hank Dutch Rules his household. A diminutive of Henry. M
251 Hank English Nickname for Henry 'Rules his household.'. M
252 Hank German Diminutive of Henry: Home or House Ruler. M
253 Hank Teutonic Rules an estate. M

254 Hanley English From the high meadow. M
255 Hanlon Irish Surname. M
256 Hanly English From the high meadow. M
257 Hann German Gift from God. M
258 Hanna Arabic Arabic form of John. M
259 Hannaan Muslim Variant of Hannan: Beautiful. Compassionate.. M
260 Hannah Hebrew Favor; grace. Biblical mother of the prophet Samuel. M