Showing 661 - 680 of 885 results. Page: 34 of 45
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
661 Forrest French From the woods. M
662 Forrest Latin Dwells in the forest. M

663 Forrester English Keeps the forest. M
664 Forrester French Variant of Forest: Woods; forest. M
665 Forseti Norse Son of Balder. M
666 Forster French Variant of Forest: Woods; forest. M
667 Fortinbras Shakespearean 'Hamlet, Prince of Denmark' Prince of Norway. M
668 Fortino Latin Strong; fortunate. M
669 Fortun French Lucky. M
670 Fortunato French Variant of Fortune: Luck. M
671 Fortunato Latin Strong; fortunate. M
672 Fortunatus Biblical Lucky, fortunate. M
673 Fortunatus French Variant of Fortune: Luck. M

674 Fortunatus Latin Lucky or prosperous. M
675 Fortune French Lucky. M
676 Fortunio French Variant of Fortune: Luck. M
677 Foster English One who keeps the forest. A foster child, foster parent, or a cutler. Also a derivative of the surname Forester. Used as both a surname and given name. Famous bearers: Twentieth century American politician John Foster Dulles. M
678 Foster French Variant of Forest: Woods; forest. M
679 Foster Latin Keeper of the forest. M
680 Fouad Arabic Variant of Fuad: Heart. M