Showing 141 - 160 of 1762 results. Page: 8 of 89
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
141 Calibom ArthurianLegend Various names for Arthur's sword. M
142 Calibome ArthurianLegend Various names for Arthur's sword. M

143 Calibor ArthurianLegend Various names for Arthur's sword. M
144 Calibum ArthurianLegend Various names for Arthur's sword. M
145 Calibumus ArthurianLegend Various names for Arthur's sword. M
146 Caligula Latin Name given to Gaius Ceasar when he was a child. M
147 Calin Irish Variant of Caelan: Powerful warrior. M
148 Calix Latin Chalice. M
149 Callaghan Irish Strife. Saint Callaghan was an Irish saint. M
150 Callahan Irish Surname. M
151 Calldwr English Cold brook. M
152 Calleo Latin Knowing. M
153 Callimaehlls Latin Name of a poet. M

154 Callixtus Latin Chalice. M
155 Callosus Latin Callous. M
156 Callough Irish Bald. M
157 Callum Gaelic Dove. Can also be a variant of Malcolm: 'Servant/disciple of Columba'. M
158 Callum Irish Variant of Columba, a Latin name meaning dove. M
159 Callum Scottish Bald dove. M
160 Calneh Biblical Our consummation. M