Showing 81 - 100 of 1762 results. Page: 5 of 89
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
81 Cai Welsh A diminutive of Cajus, frequently used as an independent name in Wales. Rejoicer. M
82 Cailean Gaelic Young dog, or child. Scottish Gaelic. M

83 Cailean Scottish Triumphant in battle; triumphant in war; virile. Contemporary variant of Cailean 'Child.'. M
84 Cailen Gaelic Child. M
85 Cailin Scottish Contemporary variant of Cailean 'Child.'. M
86 Caillen Gaelic Child. M
87 Caillen Scottish Virile. M
88 Caimheul Gaelic Crooked mouth. M
89 Cain Biblical Possession; or possessed M
90 Cain Hebrew Spear; possessed. In the Bible Cain was the first murderer having killed his brother Abel in a fit of jealousy. M
91 Cain Irish Archaic. M
92 Cain Welsh Clear water. M
93 Cainan Biblical Possessor, purchaser. M

94 Caindale English From the clear river valley. M
95 Caine English Place name unrelated to the Biblical Cain. M
96 Caine French Place name unrelated to the Biblical Cain. M
97 Caio Welsh Variant of Cai: Joy. M
98 Caiphas Biblical He that seeks with diligence; one that vomiteth M
99 Cairbre Celtic Charioteer. M
100 Cairbre Irish Chariot rider. M