Showing 781 - 800 of 1762 results. Page: 40 of 89
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
781 Cheslav Russian Lives in a strong camp. M
782 Chesmu NativeAmerican Rough; abrasive; witty. M

783 Chess English Camp of the soldiers. M
784 Chester English From an English surname and place name, but ultimately based on the Latin 'castra' meaning camp. Famous people: American president Chester A. Arthur. M
785 Chester Latin Camp. M
786 Cheston English Camp. M
787 Chesulloth Biblical Fearfulness. M
788 Chet English Camp of the soldiers. M
789 Chetwin English From the cottage on the winding path. M
790 Chetwyn English From the cottage on the winding path. M
791 Chetzron Hebrew From the walled town. M
792 Chev French Diminutive of Chevalier: Knight. M
793 Cheval French Horseman; knight. An abbreviation of Chevalier. Actor-comedian Chevy Chase. M

794 Chevalier French Horseman; knight. M
795 Chevell French Horseman; knight. An abbreviation of Chevalier. Actor-comedian Chevy Chase. M
796 Cheveyo NativeAmerican Spirit warrior (Hopi). M
797 Chevi French Diminutive of Chevalier: Knight. M
798 Chevy French Horseman; knight. An abbreviation of Chevalier. Actor-comedian Chevy Chase. M
799 Cheyne French Oak-hearted. M
800 Chi African Nigerian word for 'God'. M