Showing 741 - 760 of 1762 results. Page: 38 of 89
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
741 Che ArthurianLegend Arthur's brother. M
742 Che Hebrew God will multiply. M

743 Che Spanish God will increase; God will add. Abbreviation of Jose; Latin-American revolutionary Che Guevara. M
744 Cheasequah NativeAmerican Cherokee name meaning red bird. M
745 Cheauka NativeAmerican Hopi name meaning clay. M
746 Chebar Biblical Force or strength. M
747 Chebona Bula NativeAmerican Creek name meaning laughing boy. M
748 Checha Spanish Hairy. M
749 Cheche Spanish God will add. M
750 Chedorlaomer Biblical Roundness of a sheaf. M
751 Cheilem Hebrew Power. M
752 Chelal Biblical As night. M
753 Chelem Hebrew Variant of Cheilem: Power. M

754 Chelluh Biblical All. M
755 Chelub Biblical A basket. M
756 Chelubai Biblical He altogether against me M
757 Chemarims Biblical Black ones. M
758 Chemosh Biblical Handling, stroking, taking away. M
759 Chen Chinese Great. M
760 Chenaanah Biblical Broken in pieces. M