Showing 221 - 240 of 1762 results. Page: 12 of 89
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
221 Cana Biblical Zeal, jealousy, possession. M
222 Canaan Biblical Merchant, trader, or that humbles and subdues. M

223 Canice Irish Good-looking; handsome. M
224 Canidius Shakespearean Antony and Cleopatra'. Lieutenant-General to Mark Antony. M
225 Cannan French Variant of Cannon: Church official. M
226 Cannine Latin Crimson. M
227 Canning French Variant of Cannon: Church official. M
228 Cannon French Church official. M
229 Canon French Variant of Cannon: Church official. M
230 Canowicakte NativeAmerican Sioux name meaning forest hunter. M
231 Cant Welsh White. M
232 Canterbury Shakespearean 'King Henry V' Archbishop of Canterbury. M
233 Cantor Latin Singer. M

234 Canute Norse Knot. M
235 Canute Scandinavian Knot. M
236 Canute Teutonic Hill. M
237 Caoimhghin Celtic Gentle. M
238 Caoimhghin Irish Variant of Caoimhin: Noble. M
239 Caoimhin Irish Noble. M
240 Caolabhuinn Gaelic From the narrow river. M