Showing 1741 - 1760 of 3051 results. Page: 88 of 153
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1741 Anakletos Greek Calling forth. M
1742 Anakoni Hawaiian Valuable. M

1743 Anamim Biblical A fountain, answer, affliction. M
1744 Anammelech Biblical Answer, poverty of the king. M
1745 Anand Hindi Happiness. M
1746 Ananda Indian A half brother of Buddha. M
1747 Anane African Ghanian name given to the fourth son born. M
1748 Ananga Indian Without body. M
1749 Anani Biblical A cloud, prophecy, divination M
1750 Ananiah Biblical The cloud of the Lord. M
1751 Ananias Biblical The cloud of the Lord. M
1752 Anant Celtic From the stream. M
1753 Ananta Hindi Eternal. M

1754 Ananya Hindi One-of-a-kind; unique. M
1755 Anarawd Welsh Legendary father of Iddig. M
1756 Anas Muslim Affection. Love. A group of people (as opposed to other creatures).. M
1757 Anastagio Greek Reborn. M
1758 Anastagio Italian Divine. M
1759 Anastasio Greek Reborn. M
1760 Anastasio Italian Resurrection. M