Showing 1621 - 1640 of 3051 results. Page: 82 of 153
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1621 Amhold German Power of an eagle. M
1622 Amhuinn Scottish From the alder tree river. M

1623 Ami German Eagle. M
1624 Ami Scandinavian The eagle rules. M
1625 Amias French From the Old French name derived from Latin 'amatus' meaning loved. In use since at least the 12th century. Used by 19th century British writer Charles Kingsley for the hero of his novel 'Westward Ho!'. M
1626 Amias Latin Loves God. M
1627 Amichai Hebrew My parents are alive. M
1628 Amiel Hebrew Variant of Ammiel: The people of God. M
1629 Amiens Shakespearean As You Like It' Lord attending on the banished Duke. M
1630 Amikam Hebrew Rising nation. M
1631 Amil Muslim Variant of Amil: Worker. Effective.. M
1632 Amil Hindi Unattainable. M
1633 Amil Muslim Worker. Effective.. M

1634 Amin Arabic Trustworthy; honest. M
1635 Amin Muslim Variant of Ameen: Faithful. Trustworthy.. M
1636 Aminadab Biblical My people are liberal. M
1637 Aminon Hebrew Variant of Amnon: Loyal; faithful. M
1638 Amir Arabic Prince. M
1639 Amir Hebrew Powerful; proclaimed. M
1640 Amir Muslim Populous. Full. Prosperous. Amply settled. Civilized. Also used to refer to a prince or ruler.. M